Renting a Property with Shepherds
Things to consider or do before you start looking for a rental property …
Renting a property should be a fairly quick process. From the time a property is made available, most landlords are expecting to rent that property within weeks, or certainly within the month – unless specifically detailed in the advert as being a set date.
They want the best person, who meets their criteria to be able to move in and start occupation as quickly as practicable. Assuming all of the relevant checks have taken place.

Pre Registration Checklist
Are You Proceedable?
Take the time to check, especially if you are in rented property and have to give notice, or are in a fixed term contract.
Check Your End Date?
You will need to check the end date, break clause or termination penalties, if you are looking to leave early. You must be realistic and honest about your ability to proceed.
Anything to declare?
Do you have any County Court Judgements or Bankruptcy? As these may reduce your chances of completing referencing.
Do you have sufficient funds available?
Holding Deposit
In addition to the reference and administration fees (refer to agent or property details where information on charges are published), you will need to pay the holding deposit to secure the property whilst referencing takes place.
First Rent Payment
If satisfactory referencing is concluded, you will need to have funds available to transfer the 1st rent (in advance) along with the dilapidation & holding deposit.
Pets and Additional Payments
Pets, smoking and high rent properties normally require 2 x rent value for deposit Standard rentals under £1500 – generally require 1.5 x rent value for deposit unless otherwise stated.
These funds are payable through the banking system/on-line banking or by cheque and are not acceptable in CASH.
Getting your paperwork ready
Getting your paper work ready can increase your chances of securing a property…
As rental properties are in high demand, applicants often miss out on a property due to the time it takes them to get their paperwork to us.
It is essential that the application form is completed and returned as soon as practicable with all of the relevant information and documentation requested.
* This applies to all occupants over the age of 18 – even if they are full time students/your children.
The Next Steps
1 Email your feedback
Once you have found a property you must: Email your feedback and register your interest as soon as possible in order to maximise your opportunity of being considered.
2 More then one person interested?
If there are several people interested in the same property, they will all have the opportunity to submit paperwork for consideration. It isn’t the first person who views, gets the property.
3 Confirmation being considered
Once we have confirmation you would like to be considered, we will email you the TENANT information & application pack. (remember, this is not confirmation the property is secured
4 Complete & Submit ASAP
Asents must adhered to Anti-Money laundering regulations and will need to take copies of your photo ID, proof of address and proof of funds. To find out more about AMLR please visit
5 Your Application
If your application is acceptable to the landlord you will be asked to pay the following:
- Administration and reference fee
- Refer to charges relevant to your application
- Plus Holding deposit of £500 – pending reference application (this is normally off-set against the funds held for dilapidation deposit.
6 Receiving email
You will only received the EMAIL link to the reference process when these stages have been completed.
7 Secured Property!
At this stage you will have secured the property with Shepherds until such time the reference process has been concluded. This means we would not offer the property to other applicants nor continue to market it for rent. *we cannot control other agents practices.
The final stages of pre-tenancy
1 Reference process
The speed and outcome of the reference process is dependent on the accuracy and promptness of the information you provide to the reference agency.
2 We are not in control
We do not have control over this part of the pre-tenancy process and you will need to liaise directly with the provider for updates or provide additional information requests, unless they have specifically asked Shepherds to provide this.
3 Notify your employer
Its advisable to notify your employer/HR department/line-manager, landlord or TAX Accountant to expect a reference request, whether financial or employment.
4 Dates/ times
We will only start considering dates/times to schedule a pre-tenant inventory report once you have passed referencing and we have had written confirmation form the reference company. The Inventory company usually take 2-3 days to carryout this process and be able to provide a report for proposed check-in.
5 Mutually agree contract signing
At this time we would be in a position to mutually agree contract signing dates and times.
6 Also:
a) All monies will need to be paid to Shepherds in clear funds prior to contract signing.
b) All proposed occupants over 18 yrs of age and/or any guarantor will need to be present in our offices to sign.
c) The contract signing process takes approx. 45 minutes.
d) PROPERTY CHECK-IN—will take approximately 1 hour (depending on the size of the property). At least one of the signing tenants will need to be present at check-in.
What you will receive initially
You will receive an email copy of your check-in report/inventory once we have received it.
Checking over everything
Please remember you will have 5 working days to re-read/check the report that you will have initialled & signed. If you have noted anything additionally you think needs to be added, please report to within the stated timescale.
What will be sent to you
Once your deposit has been lodged within the scheme provider you will be sent an original copy of:
- Your signed contract
- Your Tenant Deposit Certificate
- Your Prescribed Information – details how your deposit is protected and what happens at the end of a tenancy. Please keep these in a safe place – where you can refer to them if necessary. Duplicate copies are charged @ £20+vat.
- You will also receive an email containing the link/an attachment of the Right to Rent information leaflet.
You are obligated to ensure you have accidental cover for the landlords contents and your own valuables and furniture. Your landlord will protect the building via his own means/the block management company.
You must register with the provider and confirm your meter readings as soon as possible. You will need to conduct the same process for the final day of tenancy too. If you wish to change providers refer to current providers for guidance.
Internet, Phone Line and TV
It is not the landlords responsibility to provide these facilities for tenants. If you require internet, a phone line or want TV viewing of your choice, you will need to:
a) confirm you can erect a dish or join communal service if provided
b) seek landlord authority in writing (via agency), unless these installations are already in existence at the property.
When an applicant views a property, they should pay particular attention to;
The internal decoration
Most properties are LET as seen. You are not
buying or renting a brand new house in most cases . As a guide, properties are decorated every 3-5 year
Renting mid-term
Therefore it is not uncommon to rent mid-term when there is no plan to re-decorate in the immediate future.
* This does not exclude the tenant from decorating subject to landlord consent
Check the facilities/appliances & services
- Is there phone or TV points (these do not have to be provided by the landlord)?
- Is the heating gas/electric?
- Is there parking?
- Use of a garden/communal areas?
- Will it be furnished or un-furnished, what is being left?
Questions not to ask
Please do not ask these questions on site from the agent viewing. It is best to forward your questions in writing/email so that we can check our records, refer to the landlord if necessary and ensure we have the correct information to supply you with.
If you ask ‘Will the landlord allow’ or ‘Can we do ….’ These will need to be in
writing and you will need a written response to confirm agreement.
Some basic house keeping, rules and information about your tenancy
As you have entered into a legally binding contract and signed to say you will adhere to the terms and conditions of the contract, we would like to highlight some of the regular enquiries we receive from tenants.
Interim inspections
These are carried out as part of our service agreement to the landlord and as detailed in your terms of your contract. They should only last approximately 10 minutes or so and are a guide for tenants in managing property maintenance or up keep.
keep. The main issue being condensation, ventilation and heating & cleaning to avoid or reduce blackening. inspections are regularly carried out and can be done with tenant consent whilst they are at work or out as tenants do not need to be present.
They are conducted on set days during office hours and during set time slots. We do not give specific times as the are block booked in set areas so we are unable to guarantee the exact time.
If not home
If tenants are not home for interim inspections please ensure you report faults or maintenance issues/tenant damage via email as soon as they occur. Please do not ‘save’ them for inspection time.
How they are booked
Inspections are booked VIA email & text please ensure you;
Respond in a reasonable time.
Ensure your email/mobile/home or office contact details are always up to date.